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Cricket Season 2023 Promo Report

Radhika A - February 1, 2024

Why do you need this report

The report provides critical insights into consumer behavior during the IPL season, a prime time for brands to engage with their audience. By understanding these patterns, brands can strategically plan powerful promotions that resonate with the cricket-loving audience. This data-driven approach ensures that your marketing campaigns are impactful, relevant, and timed perfectly to maximize engagement and conversions.

Some astonishing statistics we collated?

97% of respondents plan to watch the IPL at some level during the tournament. 73% of consumers are influenced to make a purchase by a sports-based promotion. 69% of consumers enjoy making live predictions during matches. 72% of consumers are willing to switch brands if the promotional offer is compelling. 80% of consumers would purchase products more frequently due to a promotion. 71% of respondents prefer guaranteed rewards over discounts, with a high preference for experiential rewards like movie tickets, dining vouchers, and OTT subscriptions. 61% of consumers want to win VIP/money-can't-buy match day experiences. These statistics highlight the enormous potential for brands to leverage the IPL season for promotional activities. Download the full report to gain deeper insights and practical strategies to elevate your brand’s presence this cricket season.

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