
Hurray! BigCity won the “Best Campaign In India” award for Britannia Milk Bikis Nickname Contest

Bestival 2022

Radhika A - June 25, 2024

Why do you need this report

The report is your definitive guide to maximizing brand impact during the festive season, providing insights into consumer behavior and effective strategies for driving engagement and sales. By understanding the current trends and consumer expectations, brands can tailor their promotions to deliver added value and convenience, ensuring they stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Some astonishing statistics we collated?

22.6 lakh crores: Total consumer spending in India by the end of Q2 2022, driven by “revenge shopping” across various sectors. 5 years: COVID-19 accelerated the growth of e-commerce by at least five years. 81% of shoppers: Actively looked for in-store promotions and discounts in 2021, up from 74% in 2020. 60% of Indian households: Ready to loosen their purse strings post-COVID, with a significant increase in spending during festive seasons. 72% of consumers: Prefer shopping for smartphones and consumer electronics during festive seasons. 78% of consumers: Have been saving up to splurge during the festive season, with 75% more comfortable shopping at physical stores than the previous year. 75% of Millennials and 69% of Gen Z: Willing to pay more for great customer experiences.

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